It's been a while since I did one of these, I'm going to dive right in.
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #10:
My love for Ultimate Spider-Man is well established. I think it's the one Ultimate book that manages to work no matter what other nonsense is going on in it's shared canon.
X-Factor #235: Madrox and Shatterstar go undercover as members of a z-list costumed neighbourhood watch who are being stalked by a psychopath. About as funny as it sounds if you ignore/laugh at the disembowellings.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #9:
"Knows better then to make the turtles aliens" is the least of the things that are great about this series.
The Tick #100: Featuring Invincible in a fairly lighter story then the last time I read one of his issues. Features one of those handy "everything that has happened to date" guides at the end for the Tick, if that's the sort of thing you like in your big milestone issues.
Exiled 1 of 5: "Oh, man! Is this more Asgardian stuff? Asgardian stuff freaks me out #superheroproblems"